How to Choose Office Cabin Interior Design

How to Choose Office Cabin Interior Design

By Sahil Thakur


26th Feb, 2024


5 min read

shows office cabin interior design
Importance of Office Cabin Interior DesignHuman-Centered DesignTips to Design an Ideal Personal Office Cabin InteriorConclusion

We can talk on and on about how to design your ideal office space and we have. But while discussing the nuances of office design, especially in the era of open plan and co-working spaces, we often overlook the importance of personal office cabins.

No matter how progressive we may get with our work culture, the appeal of a personal office is here to stay. First impressions matter when you are a leader and a well designed office cabin is the first step towards making that impression.

After all, an office cabin is more than just a place to work. It’s where you meet clients, brainstorm with your colleagues, plan parties and go to take a nap after a particularly heavy lunch. That is why it is particularly important to take the time to design a cabin that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Importance of Office Cabin Interior Design

Imagine stepping into your work domain – not just another cubicle, but a space that reflects your personality, sparks your creativity, and fuels your productivity.

This is the power of a well-designed personal office space. It is a gateway to the values of your company and your brand. Essentially, an office cabin should be designed in a way that not only favours aesthetics for your brand but also values productivity, utility and comfort.

So, exactly how far do interiors go in deciding productivity?

According to Dave Alan Kopec, a specialist in the field and professor at the New School of Architecture and Design in San Diego,

Having a direct impact on your subconscious, contributing to your emotions and perceptions, through that special part of your brain that reacts to the geometry of the space you occupy, interior design became an inherent part of people’s psychology.

Let’s take for example, a corner office. They are very much sought after by people in leadership positions and often influence their behavior and power dynamics. Being positioned away from the common areas reinforces notions of exclusivity and leadership. It signifies a separation from the "rank and file," further enhancing the perception of power.

Human-Centered Design

Human centred design for office cabin interior design

Designing a personal space that is highly centric to productivity and comfort very closely embodies the concept of human-centered design, which prioritizes user comfort, usability, and reliability. Human-Centered Design or HCD in architecture ranges anywhere from the width of each step of a staircase to how wide you can spread your arms inside a kitchen.

In an office cabin, the street goes both ways. The priority is to appeal to your own comfort and the comfort of the individuals who are going to be stepping into your domain.

The HCD aspect of designing a personal office space is a delicate balance between these two aspects. It ranges from putting in comfortable furniture to a corner space to artwork that represents you as a person.

Tips to Design an Ideal Personal Office Cabin Interior:

Here are some ways to craft a well designed personal office space and add value to your workplace experience:

Enhanced Productivity

  • Focus Zone: Distractions are productivity killers. A well-designed space minimizes clutter, optimizes storage, and employs noise-canceling solutions, creating a focused haven where you can deep-dive into tasks without interruptions.
  • Personalized Flow: Customize your space to match your work style. Arrange furniture for efficient movement, incorporate standing desks for bursts of energy, and position tools within easy reach. This customization streamlines your workflow, reducing wasted time and effort.

Boosted Morale and Well-being

  • Express Yourself: Surround yourself with objects that inspire you – family photos, artwork, inspirational quotes. It personalizes your space, fostering a sense of ownership and belonging.
  • Embrace Nature: Plants add life and improve air quality. Natural light, when possible, uplifts your mood and boosts energy levels. These elements create a calming and restorative environment, combating stress and burnout.
  • Comfort is Key: Invest in good lighting, comfortable seating, and temperature control. A space that feels good physically translates to a more positive mental state, enhancing your overall well-being and motivation. The added bonus of privacy in a very public space alone is a huge morale booster.

shows office cabin interior design

Sharpened Creativity and Collaboration

  • Think Tank in Miniature: Designate a corner for brainstorming sessions. Whiteboards, sticky notes, and comfortable seating spark lively discussions and foster innovative ideas.
  • Tech Integration: Seamlessly integrate technology for efficient collaboration. Video conferencing tools, shared platforms, and easy-to-reach charging stations keep you connected and engaged with colleagues, even virtually.

Improved Professional Image

  • First Impressions Matter: A well-designed space reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. It creates a positive impression on clients and colleagues, boosting your credibility and building trust.
  • Brand Storytelling: Use design elements to subtly communicate your company culture and values. This strengthens brand identity and fosters a sense of belonging among employees.
  • Attract and Retain Talent: In today's competitive job market, a well-designed workspace is a valuable perk. It demonstrates your commitment to employee well-being and satisfaction, attracting and retaining top talent.


In today’s world of connectivity, the value of a personal cabin has taken a backseat. CEOs nowadays fraternize with their subordinates, breaking down the hierarchical norms of the yesteryear.

However the value of a personal space cannot be overstated. Remember, your personal office space is an extension of you. In today's competitive business world, first impressions are everything. When it comes to potential clients and employees, your office space can make or break the deal. That's why it's more important than ever to create a work environment that is not only functional but also inspiring and reflects your company's brand identity.

By investing in designing the perfect personal office, you're not just decorating; you're building a platform for your success. Embrace the process, personalize it to your needs, and watch your work experience transform into a journey of productivity, well-being, and professional fulfillment.

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Sahil Thakur
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Head of Investments - Mumbai

Sahil has been in the Commercial Real Estate Industry for more than 10 years and loves talking to new people. Biker boy with and incredible sense of humor!